Re: Formula Needed- Return date from week number
Hi @ABice Norton If I got you right, the anticipated Week Number is relative to the anticipated delviery date of the announce date, which is 05/01/22. If you want to convert a weeknumber into a date,…1 · -
Re: Index Match with multiple results?
Hi @Kristin Stoddard You can only return one value with INDEX/MATCH. But you can return more than one using a JOIN/COLLECT function. Which would gives you something like: =JOIN(COLLECT({Evaluations R…6 · -
Re: Add x months to a date
Hi @Lockie Stewart-Baker According to your screenshot, you could use this formula in the next inspection date. =IF((MONTH([Inspection Date]@row) + VALUE(LEFT([Inspection Interval]@row, FIND(" &q…2 · -
Re: Count children row's checked boxes formula request
Hi @David Rinaldi That would be this: =COUNTIFS(CHILDREN([CheckBox Column]@row), 1)1 · -
Re: Automation
Hi @Elliott Hawkes Yeah you could make it work, somehow, but that would require a bit of work. First it would require two sheets. One that is your Smartsheet Track, and the other to paste in the Exce…1 ·